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Benchlands intro coming to Council in early 2025

(Dec 2024 Update) Project Update: The Benchlands team has been advised that the project’s application will be brought to council for consideration in early 2025. Timing is to be determined. Follow here for the latest updates as they’re

(September 2024) Project Update: After submitting the project’s application in December 2023, Couverdon has been advised it will be brought to council for initial consideration in late fall, 2024. The project team looks forward to the next stage of discussion about the application, which proposes a Local Area (LAP) and Comprehensive Development Zone (CD Zone) that will require amendments to the Official Community Plan and zoning bylaws.

The review process and presentation to council is a City-led process, so timing is ultimately in their hands. In the meantime, the project team continues on infrastructure assessments in order to prepare for required planning ahead.
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Review of Benchlands Application Continues

(April 2024) Staff at the City of Powell River are continuing review of the Benchlands Project application from Couverdon Real Estate. The application proposes a Local Area Plan (LAP) and Comprehensive Development Zone (CD Zone) for the Benchlands Property which will require amendments to the Official Community Plan and zoning bylaws. The review period by the City includes referrals to agencies for feedback on the proposal. When ready, staff will make recommendations to City Council on the path forward, for their consideration. This is expected later this year, though no specific timeline is available.

The Couverdon team remains engaged in the process – and looks forward to it moving to next steps. In the meantime, the team is regularly spending time in Powell River, meeting with members of the community and recently attending a Couverdon-sponsored performance of the Au Tour Dance Company by the BC Movements Arts Society.

Add your email to the e-newsletter sign-up above to get the latest updates throughout the process.

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Benchlands Application Submitted to City

(December 2023) Couverdon Real Estate has submitted a formal application for the Benchlands Project to the City of Powell River. The application proposes a Local Area Plan (LAP) and Comprehensive Development Zone (CD Zone) for the property – which will require amendments to the Official Community Plan and zoning bylaw. The proposed plan accommodates a diverse range of housing types, with flexibility to meet the needs and demands of the community during each phase – and sets aside significant portions of the property for green spaces that include riparian areas, wildlife corridors and trail connections for pedestrians and cyclists. The City will now review the application and consider recommendations for council to consider. Watch here, or sign up for the email newsletter (above), for updates throughout the process.

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Summary of Community Feedback Posted Online

In October, the community was invited to attend an open house to learn more about
the proposed plan for the Powell River Benchlands and how public input to date has
influenced the proposal. A summary of the comments collected is now available. View
highlights and read the full report here.

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Oct. 25 Open House Materials Available

On Oct. 25, 2023, the Benchlands project team hosted a successful open house, sharing updates with the community about the proposed plans for the property. The displays explained how input from the community has helped to guide the plan so far. If you would like to review the information here’s the link to the comprehensive PDF. A public engagement summary will be completed and shared here. Sign up for email updates to get the latest news!

Open House Display Boards PDF

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Public Open House Set for Oct. 25, 2023

The Powell River community is invited to an Open House schedule for Oct. 25, 4-8 pm
at the Powell River Recreational Complex. The project team will be on hand toprovide an update on the project, with information about how input from the public collected in the spring has helped create the proposed plan. Learn more about the event and how to participate at our Event Listing.